Welcome to Nikon School. The official Nikon education experts to help you learn how to get the best from your Nikon Camera and Lenses


Here are some of the testimonials we’ve received from recent Nikon School delegates. If you have completed a course and would now like to submit a review, we would love to hear from you.

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Fantastic session. Thanks Nikon School

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: How to: Landscapes

I'm missing getting out with my camera during lockdown. Like everyone else, I'm shooting flowers, researching locations and watching videos. I joined this session knowing I would get something from it. I'm not experienced enough to think I wouldn't learn a lot. But I learned far more than I thought. It was fantastic. Neil's explanations were very clear. He and Ricci answered all of the questions we raised. I was able to ask a couple, which I know will make me a better photographer.


Excellent course on Landscape Photography

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: How to: Landscapes

Great webinar. The course covered all aspects of landscape photography, guiding everyone through composition settings and the presenters individual techniques. Great to have points of view from 2 expert photographers and how their methodology complement but not contradict how they think and work. The Q&A element was well completed and all questions answered. Definitely recommend this course for all levels


Blown Away

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: How to: Landscapes

Fascinating course with Neil and Ricci. It opened my eyes to what is possible with the right equipment and knowledge to achieve amazing results as demonstrated by Neil who talked us through how he achieved some of his breath taking artistic images. I can't wait to get out there and have a go.

REVIEWER: Stephen R.

Excellent course - thank you

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: How to: Landscapes

Just what I needed to give me inspiration to pick up my camera and tripod. The course was full of practical tips, expert opinion and personal experience of the subject. Both instructors clearly loved their subject and worked well together. Thank you for organising these courses for us during the lockdown. Just need to get a better wind angle zoom lens now.

REVIEWER: Richard K.

The Art of Landscape Photography

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: How to: Landscapes

Both Neil and Ricci provided us with numerous hints & tips of how best to take long exposures both at the coast and rivers, suitable locations and how to get the best out of our cameras.



RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: Getting Started with the Nikon Z Series Online

Great - clear presentation by enthusiasts - loved it!


Stellar talk

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: How to: Astrophotography

Wide-ranging talk covering the moon, milky way, and the Northern Lights. Details of all of the required camera settings and lenses were laid out in a clear way. I particularly enjoyed the post processing editing walk-throughs - so useful.


Timelapse Seminar

RATING: 4.8 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: The Art of Timelapse Online Talk / Q&A

The seminar has inspired me to get back into photography after a number of years. I learnt a from the session and the presenters delivered the course in an easily understandable way. Both were excellent. Tried to practice some of the tips and methods - even with the old Panasonic and Canon cameras I have.

Already signed up for more of the online sessions - not surprised they fill up quickly.

REVIEWER: Alistair L.

A great many questions answered

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: How to: Astrophotography

Once again great course, with fantastic content and delivery was technical, concise and fun.
Although I came on line late, I managed to hear all my questions answered within the session.

Great course keep the coming

Paul Todd


Great 1 to 1 Session in Lockdown

RATING: 5 of 5
DATE: MAY 2020

COURSE: One To One Online Tuition

Had a one to one session on Zoom with Ricci. Was asked prior what i wanted to go through in the two hours - the agenda was all mine - and i emailed over that i wanted to have some hints on improving my photography & composition. Ricci checked my knowledge first and was very patient. I also shared my screen of photos that i had taken for him to feedback and give some tips on.The two hours went really fast and i will be booking another session once ive put my new skills into practice. Recommended


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