Welcome to Nikon School. The official Nikon education experts to help you learn how to get the best from your Nikon Camera and Lenses


Here are some of the testimonials we’ve received from recent Nikon School delegates. If you have completed a course and would now like to submit a review, we would love to hear from you.

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A Great Introduction into the World of Capture One

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: Digital Darkroom: Introduction to Capture One Pro

If you haven't used Capture One before it's great powerful piece of photo editing software and there is a dedicated version for Nikon camera owners out there. David takes you through all that you need to know to get you up and running in no time with easy to follow demonstrations. If you are finding that you are getting out of your depth with other photo editing software then this course is for you and you will be amazed at how easy it is to get a grasp of. I would highly recommend.

REVIEWER: Cameron W.

Inspirational Guide on How to Shoot Landscapes

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: How to: Landscapes

Neil & Ricci took us on an inspirational tour of landscapes. You could of spent the whole day with them both let alone just 2 hours. Neil & Ricci both informed us of what kit that they had in each of their bags when they went out on the actual tours. Neil & Ricci then took us through some amazing shots of the landscapes around the UK and further afield while telling us what camera settings, lenses & filters that they used & answered our questions. Would highly recommend.

REVIEWER: Cameron W.

A Great way to get you started in DSLR Photography

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: Getting Started with Photography - Part 1

If you have been holding back in getting to know your DSLR camera and it is just laying around in a cupboard somewhere this is a great course to get you on your journey into the world of photography. Ricci & Neil take you through the settings on your camera that you need to know to get you started with practical demos along with some of the basic theory behind photography without getting you bogged down in all the technical jargon that you find in some other courses. Would highly recommend.

REVIEWER: Cameron W.

Inspirational Guide on How to Shoot Coastlines

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: How to: Coastlines

Neil & Ricci took us on an inspirational tour of the coastlines of Snowdonia & Iceland. You could of spent the whole day with them both let alone just 2 hours. Neil & Ricci both informed us of what kit that they had in each of their bags when they went out on the actual tour itself. Neil & Ricci then took us through some amazing shots of the coastlines of Snowdonia & Iceland while telling us what camera settings, lenses & filters that they used & answered our questions. Would highly recommend.

REVIEWER: Cameron W.

Great images and very useful tips

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: How to: Coastlines

Both Neil and Ricci showed some great images and provided some useful tips on shooting images of our glorious coastline.


Coastline Tutorial Review

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: How to: Coastlines

I found this course really informative and made a lot of useful notes on the information discussed.
In particular, it was of great use to know the equipment required and how the different filters affect shutter speed/exposure in relation to producing different outcomes of the photograph.
It was also great getting a viewpoint from two photographers who shoot in slightly different styles/predominantly use different filter strengths, as this enabled me to choose a personal preference. Great work.

REVIEWER: Michael H.

Beginners luck

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: Getting Started with Photography - Part 1

I happened to stumble upon the Nikon website when I was looking for instructions for my new camera. Being a complete beginner, I was drawn to this course. It was easy to access online and unbelievably no charge for it. The course was interactive allowing for me to check settings and button functions on my camera in front of me in real time. It covered everything I wanted to know about e g. Aperture, iso and shutter speed. The presenters were upbeat and very knowledgeable. Q&A session included.



RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: Getting Started with Photography - Part 1

I am new user of an DSLR camera, so for me everyithing was new. Very interesting everything. That's helped me to understant the camera, what it can do, to I steel have to learn alot.

REVIEWER: Annabella C.

Awesome way to start your new nikon camera

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: Getting Started with Photography - Part 1

I was always shooting in auto and didn't know the basics. This course got me shooting in manual and take more control over my dslr.

REVIEWER: Kaushik D.

Interesting, informative and inspirational

RATING: 5 of 5

COURSE: How to: Coastlines

Well structured, well delivered material supported by first class and relevant images.
The contrasting images produced by the two different presenters was very thought provoking.
Two hours disappeared in a flash (again!)


If you have already completed a training course, we would love to hear about how you found the course and the training

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