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28 April, 2024 ( 17:00 - 00:00 UK time) - Morvern, Highland

Nikon School Adventures: Morvern, Mull & Treshnish Isles


Explore Morvern, Mull and the Treshnish Isles while learning how to take stunning landscape and wildlife images. Join us as we visit the mountains, forests, coastal landscapes and wildlife habitats which have many opportunities for terrific images. Weather permitting, we may also travel by boat to the remote Treshnish Isles to see and photograph the vast seabird colonies that call the Islands home.

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Nikon School Adventures: Morvern, Mull & Treshnish Isles - Morvern, Highland
28 April, 2024
( 17:00 - 00:00 UK time)

Course Contents

This Nikon School Adventure is a great opportunity to explore the west coast of Scotland while learning how to take great wildlife and landscape images. Experienced wildlife and landscape photographers, Neil and Ricci will be on hand to help you with all aspects your photography, showing you tips and techniques settings that will enable you to get great images. We will also be accompanied by local guides to help us track wildlife such as golden and white tailed eagles and to find the best locations to hopefully photograph wild otters.

On the workshop, we help you to make the most of the beautiful surroundings and cover landscape techniques such as settings for sunrise and sunset photography, long exposures, exposure bracketing and using ND & Grad filters. When encountering wildlife, we can advise on the fieldcraft needed to approach the animals without disturbing them and best settings for focusing as well as techniques for capturing birds in flight and how to get pin sharp images when using long lenses. Throughout the workshop we will also provide guidance on composition ideas and how to maximise the light available to us. In the evenings if the weather is favourable, and for anyone interested, we can also try some astro photography.

Each day will be spent ‘following the light’ and we aim to visit locations that have been specifically chosen for the chance of great landscapes or wildlife encounters depending on the prevailing light and weather. If the weather does go against us and we are forced to stay inside, Neil and Ricci will run image editing workshops or camera and lens Q&A’s until the weather clears and we can return outside.

This workshop is limited to 6 delegates with two Nikon School tutors and plus local guides. We will be working in groups of three delegates per guide / Nikon School tutor for some of the wildlife encounters to ensure the best outcome for great images and respect for the wildlife in their habitats.


Photographing spectacular scenery and wildlife on Morvern, Mull and Treshnish Isles.
Weather permitting, Sunrise, Sunset and Astro photography shoots.
Wildlife and Landscape Photography in stunning locations.
Photography guidance, advice and hints and tips from Neil Freeman and Ricci Chera.
Expert wildlife guiding by local experts.
Boat trip to the Treshnish Isles for wildlife and landscape photography (weather permitting).
Exclusive Loch Cruise to photography Sea Eagles and other wildlife (weather permitting).

An outline itinerary is as follows, but please note this is very weather dependent. We may need to change the arrangements and locations at the last minute as the weather can be very unpredictable in Scotland even in May.

Sunday 28th April 2024

Meet at the hotel at 5pm for a welcome briefing by Neil & Ricci and Peter our guide. After introductions and a welcome briefing, we will adjourn to dinner to continue the conversation and answer any questions about the workshop. After dinner, depending on the weather conditions we will aim to photograph the sunset and explore some of the nearby lochs looking for wildlife and maybe even an Astrophotography shoot before returning to the hotel.

Day 1 - Monday 29th April 2024

Hopefully a pre breakfast Sunrise shoot and then after breakfast, depending on the weather and light we will start to explore the landscapes and wildlife at various locations before returning to the hotel for dinner. After dinner depending on the light Sunset, Astro and further landscape or wildlife photography may be possible.

Day 2 - Tuesday 30th May 2024

Weather permitting, a boat trip to the Treshnish Isles to photograph local wildlife and the vast seabird colonies on the Island. This is an opportunity to get really close to the seabirds (without disturbing them) and is a fantastic experience to capture terrific images. This is approx a 45 min boat crossing which depending on weather conditions may be in choppy seas and we aim to spend around 4 hours here. Note there are no toilet facilities or shops. If you do not wish to join us on the journey, you can spend the day on Mull or Morvern until our group returns.

Day 3 - Wednesday 1st May 2024

After breakfast, weather permitting we have planned a boat trip on Loch Shiel to photograph the many birds that inhabit the Loch. If we get lucky we may even see White Tailed Eagles. After the boat journey, we will continue to explore various locations, photographing the landscapes and wildlife before returning to the hotel for dinner. After dinner, depending on the light, Sunset, Astro and wildlife photography may be possible.

Day 4 – Thursday 2nd May 2024

Hopefully a pre breakfast Sunrise shoot and then after breakfast, depending on the weather and light we will explore the landscapes and wildlife at various locations before returning to the hotel for dinner. After dinner depending on the light Sunset, Astro and further landscape or wildlife photography may be possible.

Day 5 - Friday 3rd May 2024

Primarily a contingency day in case of bad weather earlier in the week and we need to reschedule one of the boat trips. If we don't need to do that, after an optional pre breakfast Sunrise shoot (weather permitting) and depending on the forecast and light we will continue to explore the landscapes and wildlife at various locations before returning to the hotel for dinner. After dinner depending on the light, Sunset, Astro and further landscape or wildlife photography may be possible.

Day 6 - Saturday 4th May 2024

Another contingency day in case of bad weather earlier in the week and we need to reschedule one of the boat trips. If we don't need to do that, after an optional pre breakfast Sunrise shoot (weather permitting) and depending on the forecast and light we will continue to explore the landscapes and wildlife at various locations before returning to the hotel for dinner. After dinner depending on the light, Sunset, Astro and further landscape or wildlife photography may be possible.

Sunday 5th May 2024

Weather permitting, we start with an optional sunrise shoot and then return to the hotel for breakfast before our farewells and return journeys home.

To book:

Please contact us at Nikon School to book your space on this amazing photography adventure. This workshop is for photographers of all levels whether you are just starting out in photography or an experienced photographer. To secure your place on the workshop either book direct via the website or contact us to pay a non refundable deposit of £500 with balance due around 2 months prior to the workshop starting. Further joining instructions will be sent out closer to the workshop as well as an invite to an online Zoom briefing prior to the workshop starting


This is a Photographic workshop and will we prioritise the opportunity for you to shoot great images above everything. We will plan each day around the weather and light, which means that meal times may be at non standard times and we may start the the day very early and be out until late in the evening if the light and weather permits. Depending on the weather and light we aim to visit several locations that have been specifically chosen for spectacular photography. Please note that in the event of severe weather the locations may have to be altered at last minute.

Fitness: Most of the locations involve relatively short walks, but some of the locations will require a walk along uneven tracks and up mountain paths. When tracking wildlife we will also be crossing rocky, seaweed covered shorelines. As we are tracking wildlife we may also need to crouch and lay down on shoreline or mountains to increase the chances of getting great images. Because of this, a moderate to high level of fitness will be required on this course.

Loan Kit: We will have a selection of Mirrorless cameras and lenses available for you to borrow on the course. However, If you would like to borrow any specific kit for this course please get in contact with us at [email protected] with your request. We require at least 2 weeks notice for kit requests.

Bird Flu: If the outbreak of Avian flu continues to persist in the Treshnish Isles and especially on Lunga, we will be unable to visit the Island and will then continue the workshop around Morvern and Mull

Boat Trip: The boat trip to Lunga and on Loch Shiel are entirely weather dependent. So we may change our plans accordingly. If you do not want to take the optional boat trips, you are free to explore Mull or Morvern on your own until the group returns.

Accommodation: Is not included in this workshop. Neil and Ricci will be staying at the Lochaline Hotel in Lochaline and the workshop will start and finish at the Lochaline Hotel each day. Please contact Peter at the hotel on [email protected] if you wish to book a room.

Meals: During the day we will endeavour to stop at a local cafe or restaurant for lunch or in the morning we can start at a local supermarket so you can buy lunch, snacks and drinks.

Transport: We will be travelling in a small convey of cars to ensure we do not disturb the wildlife. Our local guides plus Neil and Ricci have a lot of experience at spotting wildlife in Scotland so for you to get the best from this workshop they do not act as drivers and as such we would look for volunteers to drive their own cars.

Arrival & Departure: Please arrive late afternoon or early evening of Wednesday 5th July, ready for an evening meal about 7pm for introductions and a welcome briefing. The workshop will finish officially after breakfast on the morning of Sunday 5th May.

Other: Please bring walking boots and suitable gear for being outside in the national parks. Bean bags that allow photography from cars could also be useful. Lunches, dinners, refreshments and drinks are not included nor are the ferry costs on the Corran Ferry (about £10 - £20 each way). Note: During 2023 at various points both ferries that support the Corran - Ardgour route have broken down and have been out of service. If this happens in 2024 a road detour will be in place to get to the Morvern peninsular. This detour is approx 70 - 80 miles.

Joining Instructions: We will provide further information in joining instructions and a pre-workshop Zoom briefing closer to the workshop.

If you have any questions about this workshop, feel free to get in touch at [email protected]

Latest course reviews...

Outstanding experience

All the days were exciting due to great locations for wildlife. Neil and Ricci are great instructors. No matter which question arose there was always an answer with good explanations so it's possible to improve the own skills and get the best results with the camera and lenses. A great benefit were also Peter as our guide taking us to great locations and Rachel Bigsby with a great knowledge of birds. It was a pleasure to join this course. Thanks to everyone.

Irena M.


Course Requirements


  • DSLR/Mirrorless camera
  • Lenses
  • Spare battery
  • Tripod
  • Memory card
  • ND & grad filters

Other Essential

  • Warm/wet weather clothing
  • Appropriate walking shoes


Knowledge of:

  • ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture

Activity / fitness
level involved

Medium level activity


Course Location

Lochaline Hotel,
Morvern, Highland,
PA80 5XT


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