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21 January, 2021 ( 10:30 - 16:30 UK time) - Ollerton

Experience Day - Portraits - Underwater Portraits


Join us on location for a unique photography experience shooting stunning underwater portraits. We will take you through the camera settings, tips and techniques to ensure that you get some amazing images from the day. Working with a range of models and setups, this is a great experience to shoot a new kind of portrait image to your portfolio. On the day, the number of delegates is limited to six to ensure you can get the most from each shooting setup and have the opportunity to ask either Neil or Ricci about the camera, lens and lighting setups. Time permitting, the day will end with a quick session on finishing and editing to show you how to get the best from the images you have shot.

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Experience Day - Portraits - Underwater Portraits - Ollerton
21 January, 2021
( 10:30 - 16:30 UK time)

Course Contents

This unique location give us the opporuntiy to teach underwater portriat photography without you needing to learn how to dive, get wet or need underwater housing for your camera. As this is a Nikon School exclusive event, we will be able to change the lighting and direct the models to achieve some increbile images that you just don't see everyday.

We will take you through the camera settings, tips and techniques to ensure that you get some amazing images from the day. On the day, the number of delegates is limited to six to ensure you can get the most from each shooting setup and have the opportunity to ask either Neil or Ricci about the camera, lens and lighting setups. Time permitting, the day will end with a quick session on finishing and editing to show you how to get the best from the images you have shot.

This is a practical ‘hands-on’ workshop and suitable for photographers of all levels, although if you already have an understanding of ISO, aperture, shutter speed, you will be ahead of the curve

Latest course reviews...

A unique Experience with great picture potential.

This was a great venue and a totally different experience to photograph models underwater - especially when you don't have t get wet! Really happy with the images I came away with and the advice given on the day.. The size of the group felt just about right.

Gordon B.


Course Requirements


  • Nikon DSLR/Mirrorless
  • Lens(es)
  • Speedlight and batteries
  • Memory card/XQD card(s)

Other Essential

  • Cover to protect camera and lens from water splashes


Knowledge of:

  • Understanding of Shutter Speed, Aperture + ISO

Activity / fitness
level involved

Low level activity


Course Location

Unit A3 Latimer Way, Sherwood Energy Village,
United Kingdom


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